The GLTRG extends a warm welcome to academics and practitioners alike, with the aim of fostering and progressing geographical research in tourism and leisure studies.

About the GLTRG

The GLTRG was officially founded in 2000 as the result of and is a research branch of the Royal Geographical Society, with the Institute of British Geographers. Stemming from activities of the Limited Life Working Party on the Geography of British Tourism, the GLTRG now has a global reach and encompasses tourism and leisure throughout the world.

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Book Series >


Memberships of the GLTRG is open to all fully paid fellows (including Associate members) of the RGS-IBG. Membership of the GLTRG is free for RGS-IBG Fellows and provides you access to a range of resources, networks and events.

Membership >

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Featured Research Activity

Research Activities

Nature, Health and Digital: Transcending Borders of Exclusion Through Immersive Solutions

Join us for a virtual event! Nature, Health and Digital: Transcending Borders of Exclusion Through Immersive Solutions In partnership with GLTRG and DGRG (Digital Geographies Research Group) Date: 28th September 2020. Time: 9am – 12pm Location: zoom (details provided upon registration) Register at:

Latest News

Blog, Other Events, Research Activities

Workshop: Resilience, Sustainability, and Future directions in Tourism Geographies

The Geographies of Leisure and Tourism Research Group (GLTRG) welcomes you to join a co-sponsored hybrid workshop on Resilience, Sustainability, and Future directions in Tourism Geographies organized at the University of Oulu (Finland) and online (Zoom). The workshop is organized by Envisioning Sustainability and Biodiverse Anthropocenes (ANTS, Profi6) in collaboration with Frontiers of Arctic and […]